Heavenly Blessings Day School is a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Navasota. We offer a Christ-centered curriculum in a safe and loving environment where students can grow spiritual and educational foundations that will guide them for a lifetime.
Ages 2 - 3
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
8:30am - 12:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Optional Stay and Play for all ages until 2:30pm (T-Th)
Enrollment for 2024-2025 opens to returning students and their siblings on March 1st and opens to the community on March 26th. Parents must submit a completed Enrollment Agreement and a $130 fee to secure a spot for their child. Enrollment agreements and fees must be returned in person during regular business hours.
Please contact us at (936) 825-6597 or children@fbcnavasota.org to find out about class availability.
Parent Information
Our Philosophy
Early Childhood is one of the most influential times in a person's development. Young children learn by doing, and they need firsthand experiences that provide them with opportunities to explore, question and learn. Student activities center around concrete materials and equipment such as blocks, water, sand, puzzles, instruments, gardening, rich literacy experiences and visitors to the classroom. We value small class sizes and hire highly qualified teachers so that we can provide an exceptional experience for each of our students. As children progress through the program, their use of materials will allow them to deepen their learning, practice social skills and build solid foundations for their future.
Our Goals
Heavenly Blessings' goal is to help children grow intellectually, physically, and spiritually. We do that through a carefully developed curriculum, a broad range of gross and fine motor experiences, and by treating each student as a child of God. Teachers and parents share the responsibility for promoting the sound development of students during their most rapid period of growth. We encourage open and frequent communication between teachers and parents so that they can function as a team that supports the needs of students.
Our Curriculum
We work hard to make sure our students are exposed to a wide variety of learning opportunities every day. Our classrooms have schedules and routines that help students learn valuable skills like transitioning and following directions. We use researched play-based instruction in our classrooms. Our thematic units incorporate quality literature to teach a range of literacy skills, and we learn through play during work stations. Students are introduced to math and science concepts and have opportunities to create child driven art and explore sensory activities. We have ample outdoor play time and incorporate music and movement lessons into our daily routine. When students show signs of readiness, we also teach writing and reading skills to ensure they are prepared for a traditional school setting. Students engage in special activities such as chapel lessons, guest readers, gardening and cooking. Heavenly Blessings is a special place that educates the whole child!
Contact Us
DiAnna Adams, Co - Director
Hearin Schmitt, Co- Director
Phone: 936-825-6597 ext. 105
Email: children@fbcnavasota.org